Fruit Companies of SPAIN.
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lav | Date: Su, 24.09.2023, 20:16 | Message # 271 |
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Nagami Tropi, SL Location: C / Velázquez, 23, Poligono Industriale LaMata, 29700 Vélez, Málaga, España Brands: Nagami Tropi (logo); Nagami Tropi;
![](/_fr/0/s3123567.jpg) .
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lav | Date: Su, 24.09.2023, 23:29 | Message # 272 |
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![](/_fr/0/s4677889.jpg) AgroAxarquia S.L. Location: Erm. Alta, s/n, Almayate, Málaga, Andalusia,España Brands: AgroAxarquia (fig); Sierrezuela (n/c);
![](/_fr/0/s2518346.jpg) . . . Re: info about AgroAxarquia company's brands from web-source: . “…Marcas: SIERREZUELA, AGROAXIARQUIA…” <=== [misprint: an unnecessary letter “I” after “X”] .
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lav | Date: Tu, 26.09.2023, 23:58 | Message # 273 |
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Tropical Millenium Location: Camino del Higueral S/N, Apartado de correos 136, 29700 Vélez-Málaga, La Axarquía, Málaga, España Brands: Tropical Millenium (logo, nml); Tropical Millenium M de Premium (logo, url); Tropical Selecta (b/l, url); Pronto a comer (word, url); Tropical Millenium (pic, url);
![](/_fr/0/s2946286.jpg) . . . Re1: citation from article published on Freshplaza in Mon 29 Aug 2022: .
“…Malaga-based tropical producer and marketer Tropical Millenium acquired by Chilean company Baika… …Tropical Millenium, a leading producer, importer and exporter of avocados, mangoes and other subtropical and exotic fruits based in Malaga, Spain, has been acquired by the Chilean company Baika, a producer of avocados, citrus fruits, blueberries and nuts in Chile, Colombia and Peru, through its European subsidiary Baika Europa SL… …According to Javier Fernández [CEO of Tropical Millenium], "this acquisition will not imply any changes in their customer-oriented commercial operations or in Tropical Millenium's supply policy".…” . Re2: see also Baika Fruit SL aka San José Farms entry in Chile section of COBRAS catalog .
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lav | Date: Su, 08.10.2023, 23:35 | Message # 275 |
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Grupo Catala aka D. Catalá S.A. Location: Ctra. de Albesa S/N, 25134 La Portella, Lleida, Spain Brands: D.Catala (logo type I); D.Catala (logo type II); D.Catala (word); Catafruit; Brunilda; Alegre de Brunilda; Les Champs des Alpes; El Escobar; Elcastuo; Frisesa;
![](/_fr/0/s0448741.jpg) .
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lav | Date: Tu, 17.10.2023, 14:56 | Message # 276 |
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Frutas El Salaico, S.L.U. aka Frutas Alcón S.L. Location: Polígono Industrial Aljoroque I, nº2, C. Fuente del Lobo, 04629 Antas, Almería, España Brands: El Salaico (logo);
![](/_fr/0/s8312194.jpg) . . . Re: citations from the Frutas El Salaico website: .
“…Frutas El Salaico, S.L.U. es una empresa fundada por Roque Alonso Fernández... ...El Salaico, nace como marca en 1992 de la mano de Frutas Alcon, S.L. y se consolida como empresa en el año 2017...” . “…Frutas El Salaico, S.L.U. is a company founded by Roque Alonso Fernández... ...El Salaico was born as a brand in 1992 by Frutas Alcon, S.L. and consolidated as a company in 2017...” .
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lav | Date: Su, 22.10.2023, 23:27 | Message # 277 |
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Mangas Verdes Agricola de R.L., SAT Location: Carretera NA-128, km 11, Caparroso, Navarra, Spain Brands: Mangas Verdes (logo);
![](/_fr/0/s4153591.jpg) .
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lav | Date: Th, 26.10.2023, 20:17 | Message # 278 |
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Grup Fruiter de Benissanet SCCL COOP Location: CAMÍ DE, Carrerde Móra, SN, 43747 Benissanet, Tarragona, Spain Brands: Grup Fruiter (logo);
![](/_fr/0/s2338648.jpg) .
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lav | Date: Fr, 27.10.2023, 23:41 | Message # 280 |
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Fruites Núria, S.L. Location: Els Massos de Ventalló, Carretera GI-624, Girona, España Web: [] [ Brands: Fruites Nuria (logo); Fruites Nuria (logo, cert);
![](/_fr/0/s6650957.jpg) .
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lav | Date: Su, 17.12.2023, 20:19 | Message # 281 |
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CHASA, Central Hortofruticola D’Almacelles, S.A. aka Grupa CHASA Location: Carretera Nacional, 240, km 112, 25100 Almacelles, Lleida, Spain Web: [] Brands: Chasa (pic);
![](/_fr/0/s7905061.jpg) .
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lav | Date: Su, 24.12.2023, 20:42 | Message # 282 |
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Nebot Lucas S.L. Location: Camino Artana, S/Nº, Alquerias Del Niño Perdido, Castellon 12539, Spain Web: [] Brands: Gustemiel (word); Gustemiel (pic);
![](/_fr/0/s8341412.jpg) .
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lav | Date: Sa, 27.01.2024, 23:54 | Message # 284 |
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La Calandina S.Coop. Ltda Location: Avda. Autonomía Aragonesa 80, 44570 Calanda, Teruel (TE), España Web: [] [] Brands: La Calandina (pic); El Milagro (b/l); Melocotón de Calanda Auténtico (cert);
![](/_fr/0/s3607018.jpg) .
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lav | Date: Sa, 03.02.2024, 19:39 | Message # 285 |
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Consejo Regulador Denominación de Origen “Melocotón de Calanda” aka Regulatory Council Denomination of Origin “Calanda Peach” Location: C/ Muro Santa María, s/n, Edificio Molino Mayor – 1ª Planta, 44600 Alcañiz, Teruel, Spain Web: [] Brands: Melocotón de Calanda Auténtico;
. . . Re1: DOP Denominacion de Origen Protegida (es) = PDO, Protected Denomination of Origin (en) . Re2: citations from fom website of Consejo Regulador Denominación de Origen . “…Auténtico Denominación de Origen Las industrias de acondicionamiento y envasado que hayan obtenido el certificado de conformidad del Consejo Regulador, utilizan obligatoriamente en los envases la mención Denominaciónde Origen «Melocotón de Calanda» con el sello del Consejo Regulador, juntoa la etiqueta NEGRA numerada otorgada por este cuya función es actuar de certificado y permitir el seguimiento del producto en la comercialización. Si existe esta etiqueta NEGRA numerada y el sello del Consejo, el consumidor tiene la garantía que es auténtico «Melocotón de Calanda». La época de comercialización del auténtico D.O. de Calanda comprende desde mediados de Agosto hastafinales del mes de Octubre, dependiendo de los factores climatológicos. Antes de esa fecha debes desconfiar. Lo normal es que no sea auténtico…” . “…Genuine Denomination of Origin Preparation and packaging industries which have obtained the certificate of compliance from the Regulating Council use necessarily in their packages the mention Certified Origin “Calanda peach” with the stamp of the Regulating Council,together with a numbered BLACK label. Its function is to certificate and allow the tracing of the product during its commercialization. If the numbered BLACK label and the stamp of the Council are on the package, the consumer has the guarantee of buying the genuine “Calanda Peach”. The period of commercialization of genuine D.O. Calanda peach covers from middle of September to the end of October, depending on the climate. Before this time, you must be wary. Normally it won’t be the real one…” . “…Аутентичное Наименование Места Происхождения Предприятия, занимающиеся укладкой и упаковкой [фруктовой продукции], получившие сертификат соответствия от Регулирующего Совета, в обязательном порядке должны использовать на своих упаковках печать (т.е. логотип) Регулирующего совета Наименование Места Происхождения «Каланда Персик», а также ЧЕРНУЮ этикетку с логотипом и с присвоенным регистрационным номером, функция которой действовать как сертификат, позволяющий контролировать подлинность продукта в процессе его продажи. Таким образом, если есть [на фруктах] ЧЕРНАЯ этикетка с номером и с логотипом Совета, то потребитель имеет как бы гарантию, что ему продается подлинный «Каланда Персик». Период продажи подлинного “Каланда Персик” длится с середины августа до конца октября, в зависимости от климатических усдовий. Вне рамок этого срока следует быть осторожным. Скорее всего, это не будет подлинный продукт…” .
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