Fruit companies of HUNGARY.
lav | Date: We, 24.05.2017, 21:21 | Message # 1 |
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lav | Date: We, 24.05.2017, 21:24 | Message # 2 |
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Vetter Hungary Termelő ÉsKereskedelmi Kft. Location: Kiskunmajsai út 125, 6765 Csengele, Hungary Brands: Vetter Hungary;
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lav | Date: Su, 11.11.2018, 22:42 | Message # 3 |
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Bold Agro Kft. aka Kasz-Coop Kft. Location: Köztársaság u. 114, 4130 Derecske, Hungary Brands: Derecske alma (b/l);
. . . Re1: citation from the company website: "…A Derecske alma egy olyan márkát képvisel…" "…The Derecske alma [i.e. Derecske apple] represents a brand…" .
. Re2: some translations: egy falat egeszseg minden nap = one apple a day - healthier every day . Kft., Korlátolt felelősségű társaság (hu) = LLC, Limited Liability Company (en) .
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lav | Date: Mo, 12.11.2018, 01:44 | Message # 4 |
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Gyümölcsért Ltd Location: Külterület, 068/8 Hrsz., Boldogköváralja 3885, Hungary Brands: Gyümölcsert (n/c); Calidor; Cardona (n/c); Fruit & Folk (n/c); Fruit & Fan (n/c); Mathys (n/c); Mathys Bio (n/c);
. . . Re: brands and photo presented on the company website: .
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lav | Date: Fr, 12.03.2021, 23:38 | Message # 6 |
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Ter-Kert Bt. Location: Terenyi Ernő, Mizse 284, Lajosmizse, Bács-Kiskun, 6050, Hungary Brands: Husparadicsom (url);
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lav | Date: Th, 24.06.2021, 19:59 | Message # 7 |
Group: Администраторы
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Vitifruct KFT – Szabolcs aranya az ALMA aka Vitifruct LLC Location: Hunyadiút 35/A, Demecser, 4516, Hungary Brands: Vitifruct KFT (logo); Szabolcs Aranya (b/l);
. . . Re1: inscription on 2nd logo: . Szabolcs aranya az ALMA = Szabolcs’ Gold is The Apple = Золото Сабольчи – это Яблоко . Re2: citations from Wiki: . “…Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg is an administrative county in north-eastern Hungary…” .
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lav | Date: Th, 24.06.2021, 23:45 | Message # 8 |
Group: Администраторы
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Almarégió Kft. Location: ÚjÉlet út 57/3 hrsz., Csenger, 4765, Hungary Brands: Almaregio (logo);
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lav | Date: Tu, 17.09.2024, 23:35 | Message # 9 |
Group: Администраторы
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Verbai és Fia Kft. Location: Külterület hrsz 143/6, Medgyesegyháza, Tanya 82, 5666, Hungary Web: - <=== website not found [] Brands: Verbai Dinnye (b/l);
. . .
Re1: web-source of info about company (naming of Co., address, logo, name of contact person) contains also name of contact person that coincides with name “Verbai” of the company: . “…Kapcsolattartó neve (Contact name): Zsolt Verbai…” . …..It means probably that Verbai és Fia Kft. company was founded & still now owned and managed by Verbai family . Re2: brand “Verbai Dinnye” represented in facebook’s profile of Verbai és Fia Kft. company: .
.Re3: the citation of info from web-source about the term “ Tanya”: . “…The isolated farm (tanya) is the traditional style of housing on the Great Plain of Hungary. The main house, consisting of residential and agricultural buildings, is surrounded by extensive fields and meadows, not unlike an island in an ocean…” .
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lav | Date: We, 18.09.2024, 21:51 | Message # 10 |
Group: Администраторы
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Virtual-Fruit Kft. Location: 10/10-es raktár, Nagubani Piac, Nagykőrösi u. 353, 1239 Budapest, Hungary Web: [] Brands: A Gyűmölcsöző Kapcsolat (logo, url);
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