Fruit companies of FINLAND
lav | Date: Sa, 22.04.2017, 01:05 | Message # 1 |
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lav | Date: Sa, 22.04.2017, 01:11 | Message # 2 |
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Kotimaiset Kasvikset ry (Finnish Horticultural Products Society) Location: Viljatie 4 C, FIN-00700 Helsinki, Finland Brands: puhtaasti kotimainen (purely domestic);
. . . Re: citations from the web-site: "…Our organisation administrates and owns the amongst consumers very well known brand for domestic quality produce: You can find our quality brand "purely domestic" ["puhtaasti kotimainen"] on packaging of a large variety of domestically produced horticultural products, such as potatoes, vegetables, herbs, fruit, cultivated berries and mushrooms, flowers, nursery products and processed fruit & vegetables…" .
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lav | Date: Sa, 06.01.2018, 17:40 | Message # 3 |
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Botnia Grönsaker Ab - Botnia Vihannes Oy Location: Bangårdsvägen 14, 64230 Närpiö AS, Finland Brands: Botnia ("puhtaasti kotimainen" logo);
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lav | Date: Mo, 08.01.2018, 20:38 | Message # 4 |
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Daniels Frukt Location: Danielsvägen 20, 22330 Tjudö, Åland, Finland Brands: Daniels Frukt; Eko Daniels Luomu (organic);
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lav | Date: Sa, 09.09.2023, 01:47 | Message # 5 |
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Kallelan tila Location: Viipurintie 58, 25500 Perniö, Finland Brands: Kallelan tila Myskikurpitsa (logo, url);
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lav | Date: Mo, 09.10.2023, 23:37 | Message # 6 |
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Kalliolan Luomu Location: Kärenniementie 325, 51670 Nykälä, Finland Brands: Kalliolan Luomu (logo);
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lav | Date: Tu, 10.10.2023, 22:55 | Message # 7 |
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Aholaisten Luomutila Location: Harakkasaarentie 36, 79630 Kolma, Finland Brands: Aholaisten Luomutila (logo); Aholaisten Luomutila (word);
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lav | Date: We, 11.10.2023, 12:38 | Message # 8 |
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Korpelan Puutarha Oy Location: Tarhurintie 39, 49510 Husula, Hamina, Finland Brands: Korpelan Puutarha (word);
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lav | Date: Th, 12.10.2023, 23:48 | Message # 9 |
Group: Администраторы
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Tuoreverkko Oy and Suvituore Location: Kisällinkuja 18, 70780 Kuopio, Finland Brands: Tuoreverkko Suvituore (logo, url); Suvituore (logo, url);
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lav | Date: Sa, 14.10.2023, 00:13 | Message # 10 |
Group: Администраторы
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Satotukku OY Location: Tuupakantie 32, FI-01740 Vantaa, Finland Brands: Ecopark (logo ofSpain Co, packer Satotukku Oy);
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Re1: the label of organic melon produced by Spain company Ecopark Nijar SAT imported & packed by Finnish importer company Satotukku OY; barcode 6405274520317 is authentic, country of origin Finland. . Re2: see also Ecopark Nijar SAT entry in Spain section of COBRAS catalog .
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lav | Date: Sa, 29.06.2024, 17:49 | Message # 11 |
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Carola SANDVIK, Independent Individual Grower Location: Dagsmark, Kristinestad, Finland Web: - <== website not found Brands: Carola Sandvik;
. . . Re1: citations & photo from article “ Årets matkulturstipendiat odlar Årets grönsak (This year's food culture grantee grows theVegetable of the Year)” published in by Cia Hemming, 16 oktober, 2020 . “… Carola Sandvik har i över tjugo år arbetat självständigt med att odla specialsorter av paprika och chili samt utvecklat sätt att förädla råvarorna till delikata inläggningar i sitt tillverkningskök. Med de orden motiverar Marthaförbundet sitt val av Årets matkultur stipendiat 2020…” . “…For over twenty years, Carola Sandvik has worked independently growing special varieties of paprika and chili and developed ways to refine the raw materials into delicate pickles in her production kitchen. With those words, the Martha Association justifies its selection of Food Culture Scholar of the Year 2020…” . Carola SANDVIK. Foto: Cia Hemming
. “…Hemma i Dagsmark i Kristinestad odlar Carola Sandvik ett tiotal olika paprikasorter och fem chilisorter. I två plastväx thusom sammanlagt 2.600 kvadratmeter står plantorna ännu på rad, toppade sedan en dryg månad tillbaka…” . “…At home in Dagsmark in Kristinestad, Carola Sandvik grows about ten different varieties of paprika and five varieties ofchili. In two plastic greenhouses with a total of 2,600 square meters, the plantsare still in a row, having peaked just over a month ago…” . Re2: additional info could be found also in web-source .
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