- G -
GbR Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts (de) (German Private Partnership - GbR - must consist of at least two shareholders that can be natural or legal persons) (see Gärtnerei Jürgen und Rolf Bullmann GbR entry in Germany section of COBRAS catalog)
GDM Grower Direct Marketing (see Grower Direct Marketing LLC - GDM entry in USA section of COBRAS catalog)
Gebr. Gebroeders (nl) = Brothers (en) = Hnos., Hermanos (es) = F.lli, Fratelli (it) = Братья (ru) (see BioVerbeek B.V. entry in Netherlands section of COBRAS catalog)
GF Geschäftsführer (de) = Managing Director (en) = Управляющий директор (ru) (see Conceptfrucht Wiener Neudorf aka Conceptfrucht Handels GmbH entry in Austria section of COBRAS catalog)
GgA (or GGA or G.G.A.) Geschützte geographische Angabe (de) = PGI, Protected Geographical Indications (en) = IGP, Indication Géographique Protégée (fr) = НМПТ, Наименование места происхождения товара (ru) (см. Википедия)
GGA Grow Group Azerbaijan (see GGA, Grow Group Azerbaijan MMC aka Grow Group Azerbaijan LLC in Azebaijan section of COBRAS catalog)
GmbH Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (de) = ООО, Общество с Ограниченной Ответственностью (ru) (It is an entity broadly equivalent to the private limited company in the United Kingdom and many Commonwealth countries, and the limited liability company (LLC) in the United States; see Wikipedia)
GmbH & Co. KG Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung & Compagnie Kommanditgesellschaft (de) = ООО и Компания в форме Коммандитного Товарищества (ru) (коммандитное товарищество, в котором несущим персональную ответственность участником (комплементарием) является не физическое лицо, как в классическом коммандитном товариществе, а ООО, т.е. Общество с Ограниченной Ответственностью)
GMO1 Golden Mile Orchard Pty Ltd (see GMO, Golden Mile Orchard Pty Ltd in Australia section of COBRAS catalog)
GMO2 Genetically Modified Organism (en) (GMO is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques; see Wiki) = OGM, Organismi Geneticamente Modificati (it)
GP General Partnership (en) (a partnership in which each of the partners is fully liable for the firm's debts. Compare LP, Limited Partnership) = SNC, Società in Nome Collettivo (it)
GPC Grupo Pomagri & Cabral (see GPC, Grupo Pomagri & Cabral aka Pomagri Frutas entry in Brazil section of COBRAS catalog)
GPOiW Grupa Producentów Owoców i Warzyw "Polfarm Sp z oo"
GSI Global SUP International (en) (see Global SUP International GSI in Morocco section of COBRAS catalog)
GWR Green With Red (see GWR - GREEN.WITH.RED Agricultural and greenhouse products supplier entry in Iran section of COBRAS catalog)
ГМО Генетически Модифицированные Организмы (ru) = OGM, Organismi Geneticamente Modificati (it)
ГУП Государственное Унитарное Предприятие (ru)