- H -
HES Hector Encalada Sanchez (this is an acronym of the founder's name of Don HES Premium Bananas company; see also Don HES Premium Bananas entry in Ecuador section of COBRAS catalog)
HNG Hortofruticola Naranjales del Guadalquivir (es) (see HNG, Hortofrutícola Naranjales del Guadalquivir, S. Coop. And. in Spain section of COBRAS catalog)
Hnos. Hermanos (es) = Brothers (en) = F.lli, Fratelli (it) = Gebr., Gebroeders (nl) = Братья (ru)
HOFA Hawaii Organic Farming Association (see HOFA, Hawaii Organic Farming Association in USA section of COBRAS catalog)
HWY or Hwy Highway