- V -
VOF Vennootschap Onder Firma (dk, nl) = General or Commercial Partnership (en) (If you/[or anybody] want to start a business with other self-employed individuals, one option may be to set up a general or commercial partnership, or in Dutch a vennootschap onder firma (vof). All partners bring equity into the vof in the form of cash, goods or labour, and no minimum start-up capital is required) (web-source of info) (see e.g. Harrie Goesten VOF entry in Netherlands section of COBRAS catalog)
VOG Verband der ObstGenossenschaften (de) = Association of Fruit Cooperatives (en) = Ассоциация Фруктовых Кооперативов (ru) (see e.g. VOG coop. soc. agr. entry in Italy section of COBRAS catalog)